Thursday, January 31, 2019

"Life" Celebrate Pro-life Cross Stitch Pattern

Celebrate the joy of new "Life"! This new pattern features the silhouette of a baby in utero surrounded by the word 'Life' in a variety of eye catching fonts.
You may want to stitch this up for an expecting friend & add the name & weight of the child
inside the silhouette. Also a great item of decor for an office or church or anywhere that celebrates life!
Designed in black & while but feel free to make it your own by using some hand dyed floss. It's up to you!

                                                             (   RETIRED DESIGN  )


  1. Hi Lee. Thank you so much for such a beautiful affirmation of precious life. I just finished your design on a tote bag so I may share it as I go about my day. I hope it inspires others to respect life and the rights of the unborn. Thank you again for providing a beautiful message from God.

  2. So glad you enjoyed your stitch & what a great idea to do it on a tote.
    I'm so happy to see so many spreading this life affirming message through their stitching!
